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Agile Canarias

Agile Canarias

Since many years ago we are part of the organization of Agile Canarias, a local group of Agile Spain. This is a professional community focused on agile methodologies and software development.

We show you here the logo and identity we built and how we applied them on Twitter and Meetup sites.

Cho Bernardino

Cho Bernardino

Cho Bernardino is an organic farm in Fuerteventura that provides fruits and vegetables around the island. They started their activity in 2011 without any Internet Presence until now.

We are working with them in different areas:

  • Defining their digital strategy, where e-commerce is included to show and sell their product to customers (until now they were only selling to business as hotels and supermarkets)
  • Designing their new logo and visual identity.
  • Developing an MVP of the website

We are working in a continuous improvement lean cycle with them, adding and improving features based on the market fit using different metrics, the available resources and other business requirements.